Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Road tripping with friends is supposed to be fun and exciting. It gives me an opportunity to jump in the car and explore somewhere or something that I have never experienced. My 2003 trip to Chicago was both nerve wrecking and exciting at the same time because I got to be in certain situations that I have never been in before.
   I remember the first time I went to Chicago, my then-boyfriend and I were in rush hour traffic. My heart was thumping in my chest so fast because I have never seen traffic like that before in my life. Cars were bumper to bumper, yet people were still trying to fit their vehicle in spaces no bigger than a toothpick. I decided right then and there that these folks were crazy drivers, and I did not want any part of it. I remember thinking to myself how delighted I was that I was the passenger and not the driver.
   We had stopped off at McDonald's because I had to really use the bathroom. I was relieved when I reached my destination. I turned the handle to the bathroom, but the door was locked. I sat back down for a while, and went back to the lady's room. I attempted this feat five times. My ex just sat there looking at me stupid. He said, " They keep the door locked at all times because of the crack-heads going in there getting high. You will have to get the lady up front to unlock it for you". Hello, I am from a small town and the population is 10,000 therefore, I have never encountered this problem". Needless to say, I was not a happy camper.
    Later that night we went walking on the water front. It was windy and somewhat chilly, but the lights reflecting off the buildings added a little romance to the evening. Maurice showed me Sears Tower, and I was so excited because the building was so tall. I felt like my neck was going to break looking up at it. I am a pretty tall woman, but compared to that building I felt 5 inches tall. Then we drove by China Town, I was really amazed at how beautiful it was. The buildings had signs on them written in Chinese language. Everything was lit up like a Christmas tree. It reminded me of some Hollywood movie up close and personal.
  In essence, the trip to Chicago was definitely unforgettable, but I am glad that I took it. I had experienced things that I may not have ever been able to experience again. I saw a lot of wonderful and beautiful scenery. Most importantly, I learned that any of my future trips will be made without me behind the wheel. Being a passenger can be stressful enough at times.

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